Twitter and why I dont need it, and my life outside of the internet

So I stated in my last post that I only have FB, youtube (I watch it, I have a "channel" but no uploaded videos) and pinterest in regards to my relationship with social media. This is a personal decision because I only want to be exposed or available to the rest of the internet world to an extent.

To be completely honest if I were to have a Twitter acct I would NOT follow Donald Trump, I don't feel he's all that knowledgeable in a lot of what he tweets about, although I will say the tweet of his that made the news recently about covfefe seemed funny, and I will admit I have no idea what it is about, I think it is either a misused word or a misspelled word in which case he's only human and it's nice to see even the president can make a mistake (albeit minor). The 3 people I would follow are cosmetic gurus from youtube and off the top of my head it'd be Casey Holmes, Jaclyn Hill, and Nicole Guerirro. I've been "subscribed" to all 3 of their channels the longest (so multiple years) so I feel comfortable that I wouldn't be seeing or hearing or learning anything different about them that I wouldn't expect on youtube as well.

To put it plain and simple, I don't need or even want anymore social media accts because I have bigger and better things in my real life to focus on such as my husband and my children. I don't want to be worried or distracted with my phone or computer going off every few minutes or seconds. And I simply don't care all that much about what all is going on beyond the world of Linn county Oregon.

Turning to online gaming, (insert eyeball rolling and intense laughing here) needless to say I don't game. I think the last online game I played was candy crush and it was many years ago, every once in a blue moon I will play the FB version of family feud or "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" (which I haven't always been) and I don't play games on tv either.

I post to FB probably 4x or so (avg) a day, just of random stuff, I post pics of myself with my kids or me and my husband sometimes.

I don't think my online presence is very big at all, I don't feel as though I am part of an online community, I view myself as an individual that has a FB that even at that I didn't hop on the bandwagon until 2010 or 2011. And to all of those curious, yes I had a myspace back when I was in high school.


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