week 3
So purely and simply I did this search because I have an interest in cosmetics, not to look fake, I mean I just had a baby I don't exactly have time to primp but I do like what cosmetics do/does in regards to making people feel better about themselves. So I searched MAC cosmetics on facebook and I think the page (even though its "liked" by over 17M) is geared more towards professionals, I think that's great but I like when I can see regular everyday people's pics and I don't see that on the page, They seem to use professionals or models, so the everyday aspect is taken out of the picture. So if you're a pro this page would be beneficial, esp if you already know the brand. I do not think the average everyday person would benefit much partly because the only piece that's relatable is if someone already knows to title not even a link to the website was provided.
Recently theres a commercial on tv its a woman advertising an insurance company and goes on being annoyed cuz ib the clip she's complaining on how the insurance company totaled her car over her because she ran it into a tree and then was saying that you shouldve chosen a different ins company, and my reaction is akways "its a freakin tree, why would you assume\ your rates wouldnt' go up and I think that's poor commucation with the public almost tellin people to crash into trees.
Recently theres a commercial on tv its a woman advertising an insurance company and goes on being annoyed cuz ib the clip she's complaining on how the insurance company totaled her car over her because she ran it into a tree and then was saying that you shouldve chosen a different ins company, and my reaction is akways "its a freakin tree, why would you assume\ your rates wouldnt' go up and I think that's poor commucation with the public almost tellin people to crash into trees.
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